Friday, April 25, 2008

laugh if you must

My fellow dreadheads sent Jason Castro over 100 balloons yesterday. It took the florist 5 vans to deliver all of them. This is an actual photo of some of them [ETA:] that Jason actually took with his iPhone. We have a mole who is a real life friend of his. She helped coordinate the delivery people getting them to him.
Here is what she said yesterday when they were delivered:
"Jason has seen the balloons BLOWN AWAY He just keeps laughing and smiling and he is so amazed and HAPPY!! he says thank you thank you!! Funny thing is David Cook and David A had to help bring them all in because Jason had gone across the street."
How fun is that? I know this might seem so stupid to most people (like Chris, in particular), but I love it. I love that he has a fan base that can coordinate themselves to collect money from all over the country online and arrange to have 100+ balloons delivered. I guess its not really that difficult. But I like to hang out (even if its online) with people who would think to do something like that. That is something I would do and I love that I have met, thru American Idol, a group of like minded people. That's what I mean when I say it is good for my soul. It makes me happy and smile and brings me joy. Crazy to some, but bliss for me.

edited to add: WE MADE THE LA TIMES!!

and the LA Times article was picked up by online newspaper, The Huffington Post

and today (04/28/08), OK Magazine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the coordination is great; the action just seems misplaced. I guess it's more of a social commentary on Web 2.0 and what people really want (and want from it).
I guess you might as well smoke 'em if ya got 'em, right?