Tuesday, April 29, 2008

what a day!

Today is crazy for me. The Suns game. American Idol. They are singing two songs (spoiler alert - Forever In Blue Jeans and September Morn - it's Neil Diamond week!). Maybe if I could tear myself away from the message boards and chats to get some stuff done, life would be simpler.

Also, day celebrates 14 years since Chris and I became officially boyfriend and girlfriend. He does not like to call it an anniversary, but I do. So, it's our 14th anniversary as a couple.
04-29-94 to 04-29-08 to forever

Ok, that was cheesy. But still. He is the love of my life and I knew it 14 years ago.
edited to add: We look like babies. That's because we were! 16 year olds who thought they knew it all!

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