Wednesday, April 30, 2008

banned camp

Did you know it's possible to get kicked off the American Idol forum? Well it is. Ask me and about 6 or so of my online friends. We spent all weekend hanging out in the forum and talking to each other. We were making each other laugh so hard. We got a little nasty (ok, a lot nasty!) and were posting things full of innuendo. I was up so late on Friday and Saturday night. When I woke up on Sunday, I discovered that our thread had been deleted and we were all banned from the boards. It was more funny than anything. We knew we were pushing the boundaries, but we were having too much fun. So, that's where the whole banned camp comes in. People who get banned can get reinstated and they say that's where they were. I requested to be reinstated and was on Monday morning. By then, we had all created new user ids and found each other. So stupid. But the best thing to come out of it was that I met some amazing people and we are famous! Everyone else on the boards know about us. Mant people were reading our conversation, but not contributing. They were all too scared. For good reason, I guess. But now every time I (or any of the other girls) post, people freak that their threads are gonna get hijacked and deleted. Yesterday, I commented on something that seemed benign, but another girl said something like she wanted to keep the thread PG. So I commented back, "Ok, I'll leave. Apparently my reputation precedes me." It is hilarious.
So, since we cannot really talk like we like to on the boards, we are all now meeting in a chat room at night. It is easier that way, because its real time. These girls rock. I am so glad I met them. I know - online friends, don't equal real friends. But I totally disagree. These people that I bonded with this weekend are amazing. We have so much fun making each other laugh. We get along so well and can't believe that we all found each other. We decided last night that even if Jason goes today, next week or whenever, we will still talk. It started with a mutual love, but grown quickly into a great friendship.

goth girls rule!!!

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