Wednesday, April 09, 2008

best of idol - top 8

Jason Castro

Only one (and I left the video big! hehe) video this week. There was only one stellar performance. I am so glad the kid pulled it out. I have to admit that I have to remind myself that he is only 21 and that it just way too young... stop with that video with the eyes... stop...
This kid is a major star. The original version of that song is right now #10 on itunes. After he sung Hallelujah, the original went to #1 on itunes and gave Jeff Buckley his first ever #1 hit. No other idols have caused this much sensation in the music industry.
I voted for over an hour last night. I figured out how to redial on my bluetooth and I just watched the Diamondbacks game and voted. He is so safe this week its not even funny.
Now, what the hell is up with Kristy Lee? Why is she still here? I do like that Randy said that performance was "good, for her." She can sing fine, but she is just a copycat of every other young, blonde country singer. And she still has those nails!
Michael Johns needs to lose the scarf. Cute last week. Not so cute two weeks in a row.
What was with David Cook too? He seemed out of it last night. I agree that the jacket was nice, but the hand thing was cheesy. Everybody has an off night and that was clearly his.
I also need to mention that I really cannot stand David Archuleta. He can sing, but a 17 year old adult contemporary singer? Really? That is your American Idol? Why do all these little kids think he is so cute? That sign "Lick Those Lips" was being held by an 8 year old, for crying out loud. That is just wrong. I just don't get it.

My bottom 3: Syesha Mercado, Brooke White and (yes, I have to do it!) David Cook - with Syesha going home. I hate putting David in the bottom, but everybody has to go thru it at least once.

This is funny... when I mention that Idol Gives Back is on tonite, I always say "Idol Strikes Back." That's funny, right? hehe

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