Wednesday, April 23, 2008

best of idol - top 6 (and... about last night)

I don't really feel like posting any videos today. Last night was an extremely difficult night for me, all around. Before I get into idol... the Suns lost. They are down 2 games to 0. It is very disheartening. Especially because they were ahead the whole first half. Yes, I know this is my idol review. But last night was so much more than idol. It started out all about idol and ended differently. I was so caught up in the show and the message boards that I didn't eat dinner. I took my pills, but didn't eat. Not a good combo. Well, I ate a few Pringles. But by the time I got some food around 9 o'clock (or better yet, Chris got me some food), I was feeling horrible and nauseous. I tried to eat, but couldn't. I went to bed feeling so sick. I feel better today. Not 100%, but way better.

So, lets just get this out of the way right now. Yes, Jason was struggling. But people, he is SICK. He has been sick for days. Couldn't you see him wiping his nose after his performance? He didn't want people to know he was sick and use it as an excuse. But if you have an excuse, that is a pretty valid one. He struggled in the low range of his voice and I agree that it was not the greatest song choice. (How cute was my boy? "I didn't know it was sung by a cat.") But he had the emotion and the soul that it takes to pull off that song. He gave it his all. I am just so confused with this week. Its like they set certain people up for failure. We all knew going in that David A and Syesha would rock this. They have those types of voices. But how can they say to other contestants that the songs didn't suit them when they knew all along they wouldn't? Chris even said, "What does Andrew Lloyd Webber have to do with finding a pop idol?" Good question, dear. Whatever on that topic! I know that Jason will be in the bottom this week. He better not go home (!!), but I am afraid the casual voter will go with the judges and not vote for him.

David A. - Where do I begin with this kid? How many times can a person forget their lyrics and still win American Idol? Apparently it will be at least 3. He did it again last night. This show is so biased it is not even funny any more. There is no subtlety left. They (producers, judges, etc) want a David A/David C finale and they are gonna say whatever they have to to make that happen. Even ignore the fact that messed up royally. I also need to applaud the director for panning away from him while he was humming he words instead of getting them right. This kid annoys me more and more every day.

David C. - He does have a nice voice. But all those close shots on his face were creeping me out. I had to look away. He is definitely safe again.

Syesha - Whatever. Standing on the piano, barefoot. I do have to give her credit for picking no so popular songs, because people don't associate them with other people and compare. She will be a great Broadway singer, just like they said. Not the American Idol...

Carly - Again with the messing up of the lyrics. But whatever. Apparently that doesn't matter at all. She covered it really well, unlike the rest of them. Unless you really knew the song, you probably wouldn't have noticed her mess up on the first chorus. She did a decent job. I am glad she sung Superstar instead of All I Ask of You.

Brooke - What do you say about that? I am glad that Paula called her out, but then Paula lost her back bone and they all back peddled. That annoys me more than not saying anything. She forget the words too. She made them stop the song and start over. WHAT THE?? This is the 2nd time she has done this too. She struggled thru the whole song and I felt like she had no emotion other than fear.

My bottom 3: Brooke White, David Archuleta and... (you know this kills me!!) Jason Castro - with Brooke going home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think they'll do a bottom 2 this week maybe. But I was so intent on not listening to the HORRIBLE arrangement the kid did of Think of Me, that the botched lyrics didn't even register until I read about it and then I realized that um yeah he botched his lyrics AGAIN. And I HATED the way he sung that song so much I put my fingers in my ears during the recap because I couldn't stand to hear it again. HORRIBLE.

I thought Jason did as good of a job as he could during this week. I didn't notice Carly botched lyrics because she covered well (professionalism). I felt bad for Brooke, because I really like her, but I think this is just too much pressure for her and it's time for her to go.

David C and Syesha were great, but Syesha is not the Idol. I think she can be the next Jennifer Hudson. ;)

And I loved Andrew Lloyd Webber working with the kids and the fact that he was there in the audience to watch them. He's awesome.

As for the Suns - time to come home and regroup. Win the home games then go back and take one in San Antonio and all is well again. Gotta have faith! (But they nearly killed me on Saturday.)