Friday, November 17, 2006

got me some candy yesterday


They don't even have bits of candy cane in them. It's white mint chocolate with little chunks of something that resembles the texture of a candy cane, but not the taste. They are ok, but not great.

Tootsie Roll Mini Chews

I don't get these AT ALL. Tootsie Rolls are all chocolate. Why on earth would you need to cover chocolate with chocolate? Who even knows. They only good thing about them (well, besides the addictive tootsie rollness) is that they are little tiny bite size, about 1/2 and inch.


Anonymous said...

We saw the kisses at Hershey Park but didn't buy any.


comebacknikki said...

Awww, I love the candy cane kisses! Now you need to try the candy cane tootsie pops!

Laura Anne said...

candy cane tootsie pops are THE best! I discovered them last year and gave them out with my Christmas cards. I need to look for them this year. good call on that.