Saturday, November 11, 2006

why am I still awake?

Was it the tank-o-soda (AKA king size Coke from Burger King) that I have been sipping on since about 8:30pm? I would say yes. I am planning on going back to work on Monday and it would be nice to get my sleeping pattern back on track. No such luck tonight. Chris is still up sitting right next to me. He is working on his new computer. Oh, I failed to mention this! We both got new computers. We have not have NEW computers in... well, ever. He has just been piecing them together to keep them both functioning for as long as we've been married. But we decided now was the time to get new computers for both of us. He put them together, of course. (For those not in the know - he is a computer geek.) He is still working out the kinks on his machine and hopefully I will have mine working tomorrow or Sunday. I am really glad about this. It means that I will actually be able to have more than one application running on my computer at the same time. Hooray! I think I need to try to go to bed. At least put on my pajamas and lay in the bed and hope for the best. Goodnight.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

Sweet! How does your blog look on your new computer???