Thursday, November 16, 2006

boo hiss

I totally disagree - like that's a shocker. I know, I know. John Mayer is not everyone's "sexiest" (although he did make the issue). But George Clooney? Again? Fer real? It's like they just crapped out. Like they didn't even try to figure it out. I know that they like to have someone who is "hot" right now. Meaning, in the public eye at the moment. Otherwise, there would be no way for them to really decide between the really hot ones (ie. Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, etc). Is Clooney in anything this year? Oh yeah, he's got that movie with Cate Blanchette coming out soon, but still. Whatever. I really think that it should have been Leonardo DiCaprio this year. It's about time on that one. Or Patrick Dempsey - who IS hot right now - on the best show on TV. That makes sense. But I guess the little pic he got on the cover is better than nothing. Whatever. I can't wait for the issue!!!

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