Wednesday, November 15, 2006

instead of edited to add - this needs its own post

I just finished watching Oprah. I need to thank whomever created the DVR. That thing is my life line and life saver. Ok, that's sickening and sad all at the same time. Ok, back to you... I mean... John... on Oprah. (sorry that is the song I have playing right now)
What a freaking cute and awesome boy. I am lucky to have a cool guy as my obsession. There are no clips on youtube, yet. boo. But I have it saved on my DVR and I will probably watch it live again tonight. So, what happened? Well, the performance was great. Strange camera angles, but whatever. The interview was good. Not so much a couch as two chairs. Oprah is a fool. I don't think she's even a fan. It was kind of obvious. And what happened to her face? I think the more weight she loses, the stranger she looks. It looks like her eyes are caving in. Anyhoo. They chatted about school and some other random stuff, but my favorite part was when Oprah asked him about buying an expensive sports car and he called her out. He laughed, like 'expensive? You're Oprah.' He then explained that he returned it. He said that he lost a lot of money on it, but after seeing the movie Murderball, he decided to live his life like it was "before the accident." So that way, if something ever does happen, he can say that he had a great life "before the accident." And with the car, he realized he was just driving around looking down at everyone and didn't want to live like that. She asked him what he did with the money once he returned the car. He said, "Watches. Lots of watches." What a freakin awesome dude.

Since I can't share clips from Oprah quite yet, I wanted to share the VW commercial that I have been meaning to post for awhile now. I have only seen this on TV once. They play the Slash version a lot more than this one. My favorite part is dragging the guitar along the top of the door. Love the face. Enjoy.


BrightStar (B*) said...

It is random that you get a guitar when buying the car. (Why? Because "car" rhymes with "guitar" or what?) But that commercial is pretty cool.

Laura Anne said...

who know why you get a guitar with a car? maybe cuz you can plug it in to your car? who even knows. too bad you don't get the guitar PLAYER too.