Wednesday, August 02, 2006

what? do I have "punching bag" written on my forehead? work
It seems today that all I get are calls from people who just want to yell and complain. I was on the phone with this guy who wanted me to tell him what we would do if something happened that hasn't actually happened yet. He said, "If they don't make the appointment, what will you do?" "Um. Sir, lets cross that bridge when we get to it." He kept asking and asking. I told him to call back if he has any problems. He then put his wife on the phone and she started from the beginning with me. I had the same conversation many times over in the course of one call. I tried to explain that each situation is different so I could not tell him specifically what we would do, but I told him that we will help in any way we can. Apparently that was not good enough. He kept asking. Seriously, like 15 times. I told him that he could ask me as many times, in as many different ways as he wants, but my answer will be the same. He finally got it and said, "Thank you. Have a good day." AH? WHAT? After an hour of around and around, of you yelling at me, you say 'Thank you. Have a good day.' ??? I was hoping for a good hang up and dial tone! It was so anti climactic. I will tell you, those calls never end like that. But fer real. What could I tell him? Hypothetically, what would you do? He wanted me to tell him so that he could use it against me. Like, "Laura told me you would do x and y." Bastard. I hate people like that. We will help you. Chill.
Freakin fool.

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