Monday, August 14, 2006

I know you're waiting with baited breath...

Just how many episodes of Prison Break did she watch?

If you must know - 14.

I watched 2 more on Saturday morning and stopped. I didn't want to waste the entire weekend. And for me, the weekend is Friday and Saturday. I work on Sundays.
So, I will be busy this Friday watching the rest. I am not sure if I can do it. Not that I don't want to, but there are 8 more episodes to go. Maybe I can do 8. I do have Thursday afternoon to watch too. We'll see. It's such a great show. I love it very much. And even though I know what happens, I am still highly entertained. There was a lot that I forgot. Plus, knowing the outcome, you can see the little clues that you might have missed; just like when you watch a movie the second time.

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