Monday, August 28, 2006

until I can post one...

go here to look at pictures of Wentworth Miller at the Emmy's. He came on screen and I screamed, "I didn't know he was gonna be there!" Chris then said, "Some fan you are." I know, what is wrong with me? I guess I have been a little distracted lately.
Anyway, the show was dumb overall. Mind you, I didn't get to watch it as intently as I would have liked. I was entertaining a 3 year old. Not high on my list of things to do right now, but whatever. Chris's friend came over to use our computer to order new parts for his computer, because his computer died. But he didn't just come over, he brought his whole damn crew. His girlfriend, who we had never met before and his daughter. There is lots of drama associated with him and the daughter, including inter-state custody fights. But that's beside the point. It was nice to have a kid in the house, but hurt my heart like no other. Anyway - Emmy's. No one I really like won (or was even nominated for that matter), EXCEPT FOR JEREMY PIVEN!!!! I have so excited that he won. When they were announcing his category, I was saying there is no way he will win. But he did. So cute. Love him. Very deserving.

edited to add:

and for good measure:

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