Saturday, March 29, 2008

why am i still up?

I actually am tired. I got up at a reasonable time and so I should be sleeping by now. But here I sit. Stuck in this chair on the damn computer.

What did we do tonite? We ordered chinese and watched The Boondock Saints. Have you seen this movie? I never have. Chris loves it and ordered the collectors addition with his birthday money. It came today from amazon, so we had to watch it. It is was surprisingly good. I thought it would be some stupid shot em up movie with a lame plot. It was a shot em up movie, but the plot was really good and it was actually quite funny. I was pleasantly surprised.

I guess I need to go try to sleep. Sleeping really hasn't been an issue lately. I haven't taken an Ambien in many weeks. I am really happy about that. I have no excuse for why I am still up now. I need to shut this down and move on to bed.
peace out.

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