Wednesday, March 05, 2008

it's over


It was painful. I was not sedated as much as I believed I would be. So, there was pain involved. The doctor found a polyp. He is testing it and I should know in about a week. He didn't seem concerned. I am trying to stay positive too. Due to the lack of sedation, I recovered very quickly. There was gas pain involved in the recovery, but nothing I haven't gone thru before. After it was over, my mom & I went and got sandwiches to go. I hadn't eaten since Monday morning and that was only a 100 calorie pack of muffins. When we got home, we ate and watched Into the Wild. My mom had never seen it before. She gets it now.
I ended up not drinking all 4 liters of that crap yesterday. I drink about 3 liters. I struggled with it the rest of the night. I had the conditions that the instructions said would happen after drinking it all and so I decided to stop. I know I should have drank it all, but trust me it was so difficult. I am glad it's over. And I am feeling better today then I have felt in a week. Lets just hope the results are ok...


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad it's over and I hope the news is good!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're ok.

So, uhhh, are you going to photoblog? I mean, it was a camera and all, right? Err... nevermind...

Laura Anne said...

karin - so do I!

sheepish - I did get a print out of a couple photos they took. I could scan them and post them if you want?

Anonymous said...

Ummm... I'm really a bit speechless now. Kind of like a train wreck, don't want to see, but can't say no.