Sunday, March 16, 2008

weekend = not so bad

After my retail therapy on Friday, I doubted that this weekend would go nice. I don't know why that is, but with all the crap that has been happening lately, I just assumed it would suck. That is not the case. Yesterday, Chris and I planted an herb garden. More like a bunch of herbs in pots in a planter raised up. with wire cubes. We bought them, I potted them and Chris rigged up a drip system to water them. We have basil, thyme, oregano, cilantro, rosemary, parsley, dill and chives. We also bought a cherry tomato plant and a banana pepper plant. I really hope that they last long enough to use them. I have a brown thumb, but I hope I can overcome that. Last night, Chris and I watched Into the Wild. He had never seen it and I could watch it over and over and over. This morning, Chris made blueberry pancakes and I spent the day making Easter cards. I didn't get any of the cleaning done that I needed to, but it was a good day anyway.

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