Tuesday, March 04, 2008

i gotta drink all of it?

I started preparing for my colonoscopy 2 hours ago. Yes, stop right there to avoid TMI. You gotta drink this whole 4 liter jug of crap that tastes like super watered down skim milk with tons of salt in it and artificial cherry flavoring. I had to stop drinking it about 35 minutes ago, because I thought I was going to vomit. Apparently 50% of people who take this crap experience nausea and even less, vomiting. I have yet to vomit, but I have stopped drinking for a little bit, because the instructions say so. Also, it says the side effects subside quickly. Not quick enough. This is horrible.
I have learned in the last month or so that I have a lower pain threshold then I thought I had. I am a freaking wimp when it comes to pain. I can deal with my IBS stuff, but I hate vomiting with a passion. I need to go try to drink more of that crap now.

On a much better note, my DVD of Into the Wild came a day early. I already watched the bonus disc (which was highly disappointing) and I plan on watching the movie tomorrow after all this is over. It'll give me something to look forward to.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

Hang in there! You can do this! By this time tomorrow, so you will be done with it.

I would like to watch that DVD. I should rent it.