Thursday, May 15, 2008

getting caught up

So much life happened while I was in Ohio and I feel my poor blog got neglected. Since I came home from work today feeling like shit (stomach ache and vomiting, not a pretty sight at work!), I am trying to get caught up on everything. Sure, I have been home for what? 4 days? Yeah, whatever. I have no life. I get home from work and get right on the damn computer. We (meaning my online friends) have basically abandoned the Idol forum and moved to a new location that will remain unmentioned (I don't want y'all tracking me down!). So, I get home and get right on the boards. Then late night chats with my girls. I am getting used to staying up late again. It really isn't making me so tired, or maybe I am just getting used it. I am wondering why I said that I have no life. I like this life. I like talking to my friends. Your life is what you make it. I am all over the place right now. I am feeling so crappy that I think I am out of my mind.
Anyway, my reason for posting is that I wanted to share when Jason was on Jay Leno. This was last Thursday night. I watched it in Ohio. I wished he would have been interviewed, instead of the fed some random lines to say. I am sharing this video, because to me it is Old and New. Once you watch it, you will understand. Well, only if I share the following: I used to love Huey Lewis. This was when I was really young. I had all the albums on cassette tape! So, here you go...

Dumb, right? But such a cute boy! Hair flip!! *dies*

What else happened? Sports... Oh, the Suns don't have a coach anymore: D'Antoni accepts Knicks' offer. What else? Eric Byrnes hasn't had a hit in the month of May, but the Diamondbacks are still in first place! I haven't watched a game in weeks... And I really have no idea what is happening in the NBA playoffs. I really don't. I don't much care, either.

Gas is more expensive in Ohio than Phoenix. It was $3.79 in Cincinnati and its around $3.49 here.

The hotness is heating it up with Jennifer Aniston. I don't put much weight on it. He is not looking for a wife right now. He used to be, but he knows what he has now and he is not gonna settle down anytime soon. Dare I say that he has changed? I blame Jessica. Bitch. And, no! I haven't bought the tickets for the show yet. I decided that we (yes, I am dragging Chris) are gonna get lawn seats. I can get those anytime, so I am waiting. I need to do it soon, but I have my Idol tour tickets to buy first. Are my priorities out of whack? Damn you Jason Castro.

So, what do I have to do this weekend? I have like 3 weeks worth of laundry. My house is a pig sty. It has been like that for weeks. Maybe I need to tend to it. I also have to complete the questionnaire for the sister's annulment. Yikes. That is gonna be tough, but I think that I can manage.

I think I need to shut up now...

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