Thursday, May 15, 2008


Tomorrow is the day.

I am going to the shrink. I have put it off way too long. For too many years. I have no expectations. Ok, that is not true. Deep down I have hope, but it takes a lot for me to allow that hope to bubble up and materialize. I am glad that I have found a little hope. I thought I had lost it completely. I just really want to feel better. None of the other doctors have worked, so I am at my last resort. If this does not work, then I don't know what I will do.

Tomorrow is a big step for me. It may be easy for some people to take this step, but I have resisted for far too long. I am really gonna do this.

But I will say, my nightly chats with my online friends, is some awesome therapy. I am starting to believe, again, that things really do happen for a reason. I met them when I needed a friend. They fell into my lap and I appreciate them more than they will ever know.

So. Shrink. Tomorrow. Who knew?

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