Tuesday, May 13, 2008

day 3 & day 4 - in Cincinnati

Well, first off... we are home. We got home Sunday night. Not a full flight, so that was a plus. Got a little shut eye on the plane, which was nice. I did not get much sleep on this trip. I guess I haven't been getting much sleep in the last few weeks. Oh well.
Anyway, the weekend consisted of my sister-in-law's graduation. Saturday was the massive ceremony and Sunday was the smaller, college of education ceremony. Saturday was the first day of the trip that we encountered the in-laws. They don't live in Cincinnati, so we were not planning on seeing them until then, anyway. I hate to admit this, but it was pretty painless. I get myself all worked up over dealing with my mother-in-law and then it all works out ok. The graduation on Saturday was... well... a disaster. Not for reasons you may assume. It was a disaster, because we (Chris & I) got sunburned. Saturday was the only day on the whole trip that it did not rain. Imagine that? It was a good thing, because the ceremony was outside in the football stadium. But really? Who leaves Arizona, where it is 95 degrees and goes to Ohio and gets sunburned? Dorks who don't think about sunscreen, that's for sure. After the graduation, we went to dinner all together (father-in-law, mother-in-law, both sister's-in-law, sister-in-law's fiance, and me & Chris). Loads of family fun there. Sunday was the smaller ceremony, inside. That was good, because it was pouring rain. It was much shorter (only an hour; the first one was 2 hours) and it was the one where they actually read the names of the graduates. My sister-in-law graduated magna cum laude with a degree in English from the College of Education. She got a job as a 6th grade English teacher. We are very proud of her. Anyway, after the ceremony on Sunday, we had to leave to head to the airport. The airport was a 2 hour drive away. We got there really early, because checking in and security took about 10 minutes combined. It was awesome, but not so great when you allow for it to take 2 hours. But we made it thru the visit. It actually was not terrible. We had a lot of fun seeing all our old hang outs and eating all our favorite foods. I am glad we got to spend time there on our own and it was really great to see the family too. I knew it was all worth it when we were leaving for the airport, my sister-in-law (the one that graduated), started to cry when I hugged her. This trip was about her and she was happy we were there. So were we.

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