Thursday, November 29, 2007

not much to say

I haven't been doing real well on the NaBloPoMo. There have been many days that I have not blogged at all. Oh well. Send me to blogger jail or something.
I have been (as my sister would say) cranks lately. Just on edge and cranky about everything. Biting peoples heads off for no reason. And really impatient. Whatever. It's close to that time of the month anyway. I guess I get to blame it on PMS. Anyway, I have been cleaning most the day today. My guest bedroom is a total mess. It's getting to be the time of year when more people come over and even stay the night, so I have to get that room clean very soon. It was so bad, I couldn't even close the closet. That has been fixed. I still need another few hours in there to get it done, but I am tired and done for the day. Since I now have all my Christmas cards made, yesterday I worked on posting them on my Cards site. It is easy to do, but just takes a lot of time. I am also in the process of remodeling the site, so if you see some crazy stuff, just ignore it. So, if you want to see my Christmas cards for this year and try to figure out which one is for you, go to town.


Anonymous said...

Those cards are awsome, and your Mom and appreciate all we get.

comebacknikki said...

Your cards are so cool!

BrightStar (B*) said...

I really like those cards.

Karin said...

Those are really cool! I want a card! lol!

Laura Anne said...

I would be happy to send cards to anyone and everyone! I love sending them, its just a pain to make them all. Once you start making cards for holidays, everyone expects them. Just a little bit of pressure...

Karin said...

But they are soooo pretty. I keep thinking I'm going to make cards one year. But I think if I do, I'll have to start in July in order to get them all done. ;)