Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Babysitters Club

Thanks to Pop Candy, I found a blog that is cracking me up. There is a girl, who is close to my age, who is re-reading The Babysitters Club books and blogging about it. Here's the blog: BSC Headquarters. I loved those books and read them religiously. I owned almost very book and the ones that I didn't own, I checked out from the library. A great perk of my childhood was that my mom worked at the library. Well, she still does, but I don't really get the same benefits now as I used to. Anyway, this blog is hilarious and brings back all sorts of memories. Maybe I can find one about Sweet Valley High!

1 comment:

comebacknikki said...

OMG - that's so hilarious! I freakin' loved those books when I was a kid.

Remember the one where Kristi's mother got married and everyone ended up going on a cruise together? I used to read that one over and over. :P