Thursday, January 25, 2007

i don't have much to say...

I just didn't want those terrible photos to be the last blog I posted. icky. icky. They make my skin crawl. Everyone is speculating the real reason they are together. One terrible one is that she is paying him and vice versa, for publicity. Dear lord. He may have horrible test in women, but I don't think he'd go that far. This whole relationship is just a roller coaster for me. Oh-in case you were confused, I am talking about John Mayer and Jessica Simpson, or as Perez Hilton now calls them Fugs 'n' Jugs. One funny thing that is coming out of all this is stuff on the message boards. They made t-shirts that say Stop This Trainwreck 2007. Funny. (I am totally buying the shirt, btw!) They help put it all in perspective. Sad that this is what my life has come to.

Tomorrow I am picking up my glasses, getting a pedicure and seeing either Babel or The Departed.

Troy made it to town today. Chris had lunch with him since he is staying at a hotel downtown, basically across the street from where Chris works. I should see him either tomorrow night or Saturday.

I started reading the new book club book. Oh, maybe I never mentioned... I joined a book club, but have been a tool and not yet attended and of the meetings. The first was shortly after my miscarriage and last months I totally spaced on and didn't realize it was that night until 9:30pm. So, next month I am really gonna go. The book is Gods in Alabama. So far, it's really good.

Gotta go watch Grey's...


Anonymous said...

You guys should read the book to the movie Notes on a Scandal. It's called What was She Thinking? It's pretty good. I'm reading it now.

Laura Anne said...

I'll recommend it.