Monday, January 29, 2007

suns lost... and other things that suck

I don't really want to talk about the Suns loss. I am sad. But I have to think positively. Sometimes a winning streak can be a burden. It's not like they lost the championship or in the playoffs. It was one game. They have lost since December. December! January is almost over. I am proud of them. And my little note to the streak ending Minnesota Timberwolves: Beat the Suns in the playoffs and then celebrate. Until then, suck it.

So, other things sucked today. I came out to my car after work and lo and behold... I had a flat tire. Flat. Rim on the ground flat. Then, I see a note on my windshield from the security that basically tells me that they discovered the flat over 2 hours before and couldn't notify me because I had never registered my car with them. Damn. I am a slacker on that. I guess I will register it now. Anyway, I called AAA (thank the Lord for the wonderful invention of AAA!!!) and they came out and put the spare on so I could get home. Chris came home and tried to look at the tire and see the source of the leak or hole or whatever. Couldn't find anything. He even took the tire to a gas station to add air and test it to find the source. Couldn't find anything. He was trying to find it so that he could patch it and put the tire back on. But since he couldn't, we are out of luck. Last year, I got 2 new tires and they are on the back. So, Chris is gonna take me to work the rest of the week, because I don't want to drive on the spare and on Thursday, I'm gonna take it and get 2 new tires for the front. Lovely! I hate cars so much. And I want to say that I am sorry to my mother for yelling and her and being a brat when I called her at work. I was really upset at one more thing being wrong with my car and I took it out on her. I should not have done that and I am sorry.

I gotta get to bed... maybe tomorrow will suck a little less.


Anonymous said...

You are forgiven. I know you just needed to vent.


BrightStar (B*) said...

I am sorry this happened. That darn car won't stop being annoying!