Saturday, January 06, 2007

i have been avoiding this...

The whole John/Jessica mess. I have been going thru the stages of grief:

I think I am somewhere in between depression and acceptance. Probably more in the depression. I won't let people talk to me about it. I did say to my sister the other day, "There are all these pictures of them together, but they were supposedly making out all night. No pictures of that. I wonder why that is? Maybe it didn't happen."
Then... This...

And then this...

I think denial is not an option any more.
Why do I care? I care, because to me the music is important, but also the person behind the music matters. I am jealous, sure. I have a major crush on him and I think that I will always believe that no girl is good enough for him. But I also believed he was not this kind of a person. He used to claim that he never drank. But he is drinking straight from the bottle. Sure, people change. I get that. But I am just afraid that this a symptom of a bigger problem. My mind went to drugs. People are speculating that too. My sister thinks this is just a phase and I really hope so too. I just hoped that he wouldn't get caught up in the celebrity. It seems like he is setting himself up for a fall from grace. Augh. I could go on about this forever. At least I am not angry about it anymore.

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