Tuesday, September 20, 2005

work frustrations

I think I have pin pointed my frustration over the last few days.
The people that I work with. Now that we are all sitting in different seats, I have a different view and see different people. I used to sit facing the rest of MY team. But now they are all sitting behind me. I now face another team and they are driving me crazy. They get here on time, for the most part, but they sit around and don't sign on the phone until the very last minute that they have to avoid getting a tardy. Technically, we start at 7, so you are supposed to be logged in the phone at 7. But as long as you log in by 7:07, you are considered on time and not tardy. You are not supposed to do this, but they ALL DO! So I sit here and watch them not working while I am taking calls. This morning I was the first one logged in and there were 8 people here. I had also taken 2 calls before anyone else even logged in!!!!!!!! Then, they get up and walk around when we have calls on hold. You are not supposed to do that. And I think the worse part is that their manager doesn't care. If she cares, she lets them get away with it. Their availability must suck. It's really hard to sit here and want to do the right thing when all you see is other people slacking. This was a frustration that I had at Discover. I don't want to let this eat away at me. I think I need to change desks so I don't have to look at them. I need to discuss this with my boss. She will understand, thank goodness. So I get all worked up and mad at my coworkers and then I have no patience for the callers. This is a vicious cycle that I need to break.

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