Thursday, September 29, 2005

the strangest thing

Yesterday Chris's boss told the office that he had a strange request. Does any one want to drive an RV to Biloxi, Mississippi? Chris's response was "Sure." He likes a good road trip. Well. It will be confirmed today, but it looks like he's really going to be doing it. His firm has people there helping with a rebuilding project and they need more places for them to stay. And apparently the only available RV's (meaning ones that are not already being used as shelters) are way out here. So, since their employees need it, they are going to deliver the RV to them and then fly home. Chris and another guy from the office are going to do it. They tried to see if I could go to, but the plane tickets were so expensive that they vetoed that idea. I am concerned about him doing this and driving across the country in an RV that he's never driven before and going into a part of the country that is in turmoil and chaos. As crazy as the whole thing sounds, it seems to be the only solution that his company can come up with. And it's a little late now for him to back out. They will have to drive straight thru without stopping so they can get this done over the weekend. They are pretty sure they are leaving tomorrow. Like I said, it should all get confirmed today.
And being the selfish female that I am... what does all this mean for me? I will be alone for 3 days. Not just without my husband, but my parents left this morning for their cruise. They will be gone for like 16 days. Now, I have gone 16 days without seeing my mother, but I haven't gone 16 days without talking to her on the phone in like forever. This will be very difficult for me. She's not just my mom, she's my friend. I will be lonely and needing my sister (*hint*hint* - CALL ME, Beck!).

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