Friday, September 02, 2005

what can you do?

Dave Matthews Band to Do Benefit Concert
I would expect nothing less. They are an amazing group of guys who care about people and want to help. I hope more bands and celebrities step up and do more. I know there are some, but not nearly the amount yet that came out for the tsunami relief. This is our own country people. Come on.
And I look at the pictures and wonder what I can do? The first thing is Never complain about the heat. It's gonna be 104 today, but I have my house, my car, food, water. Another thing we need to do is put our problems in perspective. I think I forget to do that as much as I should. I can't complain really about anything. I have so much in my life and we need to be thankful for what we have and know that it can be taken way that quickly. Tell your family you love them all the time. And donate money to the Red Cross. I know it doesn't sound like much. The kind hearted people of this country want to do so much more than give money. We can pray. Pray for those who are dying and the families left with nothing. Pray that God will save the ones he can and those he cannot save, he will take with him and they will be safe.

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