Thursday, September 08, 2005

God Bless me?

I know you all want to know what the people who are filing claims about the hurricane say when they call. I just can't always talk about it. It gets to be too much. I have to become immune to it, just like I have for people telling me about their car accidents. Not that I don't care. I am just the kind of person who wants to help people and carry the burdens of others. And I can't carry it all. I have developed this thick skin were I try to not let what I hear get to me. I have to. I try to not even remember what they say. And today and yesterday were so terrible for me that I just couldn't even comprehend the things I heard. But I will tell you that I will never forget the lady that called today. After completing the claim she said to me, "God Bless You." God Bless me? This was after she told me that she got out of New Orleans with the clothes on her back and a bag with about a weeks worth of clothes and that is all. God Bless me? I am not the kind of person who says that to people so I didn't say it back, but I said it in my heart. No. Not God Bless me. God Bless YOU. I still can't process it. After all she's been thru, she says God Bless me. I am bringing myself to tears right now and that is why I couldn't talk about it earlier. I needed more time to even say out loud that this happened. And the things I heard yesterday will never leave me. I am so profoundly changed by these people. And they will never know that. I wish there was a way I could let them know, but I need to do my job and take care of their claim.

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