Thursday, May 26, 2005

so, what's up with me lately?

On Monday, my husband's grandfather passed away. He died peacefully. And we are thankful that he is no longer in pain. So, I am writing this from St. Louis. We flew out here yesterday and the funeral was today. I really don't think that it's blog worthy subject, but I just wanted to bring y'all up to speed. We are going to be here until Saturday morning.
Moving on the a happier topic ... We are getting the chance to do some touristy things. This afternoon, me, Chris and my two sister in laws went to the arch! When in St. Louis, go to the arch. It was really cool. We rode in the capsules up to the top. I can't wait to get home and post the pictures.
And then tonight, we went to Creve Couer. It's a lake that has a natural spring that make a small waterfall. We also ate dinner at a restaurant called Ponticello's Italian Garden. It was a place that my father in law really loves and said that they have the best pizza. I guess a little back story is needed here. Both my in-laws and my husband were born here in the Lou. My husband lived here until he was 7 and my in-laws had lived here up until that point. So, they are all in the know about St. Louis. So, the pizza at this place was really good. It had thin crust and used some cheese that none of us had ever heard of. But it was very tasty.
This morning we also drove around and saw the house were they all used to live. That was neat to see. Chris was able to find the house without and directions. I can't believe that after 20 years he was able to just drive to it. But I guess you just start recognizing one thing and then another and then you just know where you are. It was neat.
And the weather... I am loving it. It's a little humid, but it's not 3 million degrees like we left Phoenix.
One strange observation about here - People randomly drive on the shoulder of the road. On the highway, on city streets. It's crazy. It must really be an issue, because tonight we saw a sign that said to not drive on the shoulder. If you need a sign every some many yards, people must do it all the time. That's crazy to me.
I am loving that I am getting to spend time with my sister-in-laws. They are awesome. They are 24 and 19 and we get along really well. They think I'm funny. I like people who think I'm funny.
Tomorrow we are going to Forest Park where they held the 1904 Worlds Fair. If you've seen Meet Me in St. Louis you would know about the Worlds Fair and all that. That's my only reference to it. Anyway, the zoo is there and so is the art museum. We are not sure yet what we are going to do there, but I hope it's the art museum. I need to go to bed. I am still really tired from the trip, plus sleeping in a hotel bed takes time to get used to.

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