Sunday, May 08, 2005

ah, Mother's Day

I remember it like it was yesterday... Mother's Day, May 11, 1980. I was 2 1/2 years old. We were over at the neighbors house and me and the neighbor boy were riding on his rocking horse. One of those plastic kind with the metal frame all around it. Deadly. Next thing I know, we had fallen off and my leg was severely broken. I spent 19 days in the hospital in traction and was in a full leg cast for I can't remember how long. I am lying about remembering it like it was yesterday. I have very vague memories of it actually. But the memories I do have remind me of what a pain in the ass I was to my mom (and my dad too). I am bringing this up (even though we did talk about it last night) because I want to say thanks.
Thanks to my mom for putting up with me and always taking care of me.
I had written more but deleted it, because I can't sum it up any better than that.

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