Wednesday, May 11, 2005

got tickets?

I like that theme I got going with the titles.

Anywhooo. We had another big ol arguement about going to the Alanis show. So, I haven't bought the tickets, yet. The way I feel about it is... I know he doesn't like the music, but I think that he should go because it makes me happy. Go, simply because he loves me and wants to see me enjoy myself. Is that so wrong? But he feels like he does not want to be tortured for 3 hours and "waste" all the money. Seems like a nice little rock and a hard place we got going on. I want to go, but don't want the guilt of knowing that he's miserable. And he doesn't want to go at all, for nothing. He did say, the next day, that he was being an ass about it. But I guess I was being one too. But dammit, I REALLY want to go. I'll keep you posted on what ends up happening.

The onboarding crap is really starting to get on my nerves. There are people who were chosen to do it who get all power trippy about it. Then there are people who use it just to get off the phone and then screw around the whole time. There is this one girl who plugged her headset in to listen to calls with this guy, then she keeps getting up in the middle of the call and walking away to talk to people. Then I have to come over and help him because she is no where to be found. Now, I don't mind helping him, but if she is supposed to be listening to his calls, she needs to actually be doing that and be there to help him. I was helping 3 people at once because she disappeared. this sucks. Then she is standing across the room with her friends and laughing and being dumb. That just drives me nuts. This onboarding thing needs more structure. we are just supposed to stand around do nothing when they have no questions. There needs to be more assigned tasks. having us plug in and listen to the calls is a great idea, but those who are doing it just decided on their own to. no one told them to. There is no structure. augh! I just want to go home and not deal with these people any more. Thank god today is my last day with these people.

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