Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Friday we went and saw Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I did not want to read any reviews before seeing the movie, because I knew that we would see it regardless. Chris is a big fan of the book and the radio show. He really wanted to see it, and he never wants to go to the movies. So, we went and it was cute. There was this really funny part where the went to this planet and every time anyone had a thought, something that looked like a paddle came out of ground and smacked them in the face. It was freaking hilarious. The rest of it was cute and I could follow it for the most part. I love Sam Rockwell and he was super cheesy in it and I dug it. Since seeing the film, I have read reviews and even saw Ebert and Roeper talk about it. What I have been hearing negatively about the movie is that if you are not a fan of the books, etc you cannot really follow it and you are left wondering about a lot of things. The funny thing about that is on the way home after the movie and said to Chris, "I like that they left in references that only fans would understand." They really could have dumbed it down and made it more universal, but they chose not to and for that I give it props. It might not make as much money because of that, but they made a movie that fans like. What is wrong with that? If you see it and are confused, all you need to do is see it with someone who is a fan and have them explain it to you. That's what I did.

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