Wednesday, August 01, 2007

big brother 8 - 08/01/07

**warning - spoilers**

Last night was the broadcast of the veto ceremony. Even though I knew what would happen, I kept wishing it wouldn't. It was painful to watch.

It seems like its too late for Nick. There is rustling around with the idea of keeping Nick, but I don't see it happening. Dick, Daniele and Zach would vote to keep him if they knew they would have the votes. But everyone else seems to scared to vote against the group. They don't really want Nick to leave, but since they made that decision already, they are going with it. This is what I hate most about these stupid people. Vote how YOU want to, not how everyone else is. I know its a game, but what are you gonna do when its just the 7 of you? You are not gonna have the luxury of blaming your vote on the group. Just get over that now and vote how you want to!!!!!! I just want to slap them all silly!!!
Poor Nick...
this morning

The mohawk doesn't really work for me. Eric got one too, but he didn't completely shave the sides bald. It looks dumb, but he is dumb already. I did vote for his ass to evict Kail. The rest of America better have done the same.
Oh, one last thing for now... Dick is starting to think something is up with Eric. Early this morning, he told Daniele he thinks the producers are giving Eric information. I love it!!!

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