Saturday, August 18, 2007

what do you do when your whole life flips upside down?

Something major happened with my parents today. I don't want to go into specifics, but it was major. I don't know what to do. I am at a total loss. I just keep walking around the house in a daze saying, "What the fuck?" Maybe I can write about it later, but its all too fresh. Nothing makes any sense. These are the people you are supposed to love.
How does this happen? God. What the hell?!?!?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sorry, Laura.

How does this happen?

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world....

We seem to be living in times of mere anarchy, and we tremble in fear as our old structures fall away, if not apart.

What do you do when your whole life flips upside down?

Use love as your compass and let the rest go. Serve and protect that love as if it were the only thing in life that mattered. Because it is.

Know that the everything else will end up on the compost heap, sooner or later: job, house, possessions, politics, winning, losing, reputation, awards, praise, criticism, looks, health, wealth: All are temporary, and all are trivial, because they, too, shall pass. Only love is eternal.

May your world right itself soon!