Thursday, August 02, 2007

big brother 8 - 08/02/07

**warning - BIG spoilers**

They did it. Those bastards. My Nick is gone.

more later after I actually watch the live show...

edited to add - 8:20pm PST
Before I go on about my lovely Nick, I want to share my joy in the new HOH. Daniele won! It didn't take long. I was hoping some of it would be on After Dark, but not gonna happen. I will say, if Daniele nominates Jen and Kail, I will be really annoyed. She needs to nominate Dustin and Amber. Its time to break up to LNC. Seriously. Oh, I just saw that Daniele made a deal with Kail in the HOH comp. If Kail gave Daniele HOH, she would not evict her. Sweet! That takes care of that. But just because she made that deal does not mean she has to keep it. Moving on.
Nick was so sweet with his whole exit. He used his exit speech to tell Daniele how he feels about her. He left smiling. I love that Daniele was wearing his other bandana. I love that she was standing by the door alone when he left. I don't know what will happen when they leave, but I hope they do get together. But I do know that he will have his choice of females now. He is "famous" and hot as hell. Who knows. It was sweet while it lasted. I am rooting for Daniele now. I hate Amber more than ever. I love that the show showed her for the hypocrite that she is. She never told Nick the truth. I can't believe she never told him she knew he would be leaving. She said she was going to, but I guess she never got around to it. She tried to tell him in the goodbye message, but she was crying so damn much. She is such a freaking idiot. I don't even hate Jen. I hate Amber and Jameka is up there with her. If I hear Jameka say, "mmmm, hhhh" one more time, I will scream! The whole God thing is crazy too. I can't stand any of them, really. They made a mistake and all knew it and no one stood up for themselves and voted they way they wanted to. They all voted with the group and I hope it comes back and bites them in the ass. I am too angry at them right now. I need to stop. But at least Nick left with his dignity. He will be missed so much.

Oh, and I cannot wait to watch The Early Show and House Calls tomorrow! Last chance to see him for awhile.

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