Tuesday, September 19, 2006

when good refi's go bad

I haven't written about this before and I don't really know why. I will now, though.
We are in the process of refinancing our house. We had been throwing this idea around for a while, but when my car died it jump started the process. We decided that the best way to handle my getting a new car (and adding another car payment to our lives [my old car was paid for, btw]) was to get out of the stupid credit card debt that we (ok - mostly me) have racked up over the years. We wanted to refi our house and cash out some of the equity to pay off those bills. That way, even though we will have a higher mortgage payment, we would still have money freed up to pay for the new car payment. We went to our bank and got the process rolling. There is crap that happened with that between now and then, but I don't feel like rehashing all of it. Why I am writing about this now is the bad news that we found out today. Saturday, the dude came to do the appraisal. I got a strange vibe from him, but whatever. Well, turns out our house came in at about $20000 less than that original estimate. I knew that the estimate the bank used for the initial paperwork, might not be accurate. I knew this. I also knew that how much we get depends on the appraisal value. I knew all this. If I knew, then why I am so flippin pissed right now!!!!!!!!!!! Bottom line, we get about $10000 less when we cash out the equity. This might be TMI, and people might freak out... but we will not be able to get out of debt with what we are going to get. Yes, its that bad. Whatever. Don't judge. I really feel like this whole thing is a waste now. I know that its not. I know that we are locking in our loan at a good rate and we had to refi soon anyway, because of the loan that we originally had. I know that getting out of some debt is better than getting out of no debt. I know all this too. So, don't bother trying to tell me this to cheer me up. I am still angry about it. I have no one to direct this anger towards, so I am taking it out on the appraisal dude. I know that its not 100% his decision. I know he has to base it on other stuff too. But I still want to hurt him. Lie, fool. This is my livelihood we are talking about. Does he not realize that I need a car?!?! I am a pro at mis-directing anger. A pro, I tell you.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

The whole thing is frustrating. I would personally be directing my anger at the bank who gave the first estimate -- what was it based upon?

I'm sorry this is happening. It sounds completely icky. Refi sucks, all the way around. There is always some sort of problem with the process.