Monday, September 25, 2006

i highly recommend...

L'occitane Lavender Mosquito Repellent Towelettes.
But the thing is, you actually have to use them! When we went camping, I used one wipe each day on my legs and arms and I go ZERO bug bites. But on Saturday, I go in my front yard to prune my fern and hibiscus and I get EATEN ALIVE! I didn't use my wipes. I itch so bad right now, it's not even funny. I have about a dozen bites on each leg. One huge one on my arm and I have a freaking bite on my hand! MY HAND! It's on my right hand, by the knuckle of my pinkie finger. It kills. I lathered up with Benadryl cream (which is 3 years expired, but its all we got right now) and it sort of works for a minute. I am in major pain. So the lesson in all this is - if you've got repellent, use it!

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