Thursday, May 25, 2006

where have I been?


I just really haven't felt like blogging.
Maybe it's because no one comments, so it seems like no one looks at it. So I have no motivation to blog. Is it merely entertainment for my mother and sister? I like amusing them, but sometimes I need a break from that. Plus, I am still not 100% feeling the new layout, but don't have the desire to change it. Whatever. I have heatstroke. Not really, but the heat has zapped all my energy. I will get caught up on my facts and post a bunch of stuff in the next couple days.

In the mean time, check out the new Dixie Chicks album. I've been listening to it tonight and really like it. Don't get the idea that I like country music, because I really don't. I just like bits and pieces. If you don't want to listen to the whole album, try just these couple:
Not Ready to Make Nice
I Hope


Anonymous said...

I look at your blog everyday. Please continue blogging. It makes me feel more connected to you.


comebacknikki said...

I've been reading on and off. Your sister mentions you so much that I decided to check it out! :)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog frequently, too, but I'm just not a commenter by nature; sorry. And I never have much to say offline, either, if that's any consolation. :->

I was, in fact, wondering where you were and hoping that everything was okay. Glad to know your absence was due to nothing more serious than acedia.

Welcome back!