Sunday, May 14, 2006

Today, it seems, I am getting a lot of random things posted...

I did want to share about our day yesterday. We got up early (for us) and went to Home Depot. We bought the entire store. Or at least what would fit in the back of the truck in two trips. Lawn stuff mainly. We took full advantage of our new haul capcity. We also hit two differnt Home Depots to get all that we needed. When we got home, Chris did some digging and made a base around the big tree in our backyard. He then laid down mulch around the base. This is a step in the right direction for the landscaping we are planning on doing. We still need to get the bricks to build the planter around the trees, but he got started and that's a good thing.
We also bought a new ceiling fan for our bedroom. The one we had in there was u-g-l-y and was making a lot of noise. This is our new beautiful fan:

What's missing from it, you may be asking yourself. Pull chains - be damned! It's freakin remote control. It is so beautiful. I can't stop saying that. It sounds crazy to be so happy about a fan, but it really transforms the bedroom. It was like the missing link.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

That ceiling fan rocks. Your spouse can come and put a new one up in my bedroom any time.