Wednesday, May 03, 2006

100 Facts about me in 100 Days: FACT # 13

I am boy crazy.

I know my last fact was that I heart John Mayer, which is true.
But there is a long list of other boys I heart.
I will start with the most important...

This is the boy I heart more than anyone else on the earth:

Now I will continue with the list (broken down my genre)


Oooh - two in one photo. Let me explain.
John Clayton Mayer (duh!) and Teddy Geiger. I heart each for different reasons.
Teddy is WAY too young, but I love his music. So he gets to be on the list.




I'm sure people that know me will list many more that I have forgotten. In my opinion, this is the top tier.
Aren't I lucky to have a husband who isn't jealous at all? He knows I love him.

Just cuz I'm on a diet, doesn't mean I can't look at the menu

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