Friday, May 19, 2006

my Les Miz review

In a word - Great.
My seat was on the far left (if you are looking at the stage) and on the aisle. It was nice to be on the aisle, because I was not crammed randomly in the middle of people. I did loose part of the stage being so far to the left, but it really wasn't much. I was able to follow along, but still notice other things, because I know the story well and I knew all the music. Not word for word like I do with some shows (*cough*RENT*cough*), but I have heard it all before. The production was good. I had forgotten about the rotating floor. That was effective, but sometimes distracting. But that might have been because I was so close and could see it clearly. And speaking of distracting, I thought that being able to see the wings of the stage would be, but it really wasn't. They do a really great job keeping it hidden and dark.
The dude who was Jean Valjean was incredible. When he sung, Bring Him Home, I got chills all over. The applause afterward was twice as long as any other. He never faltered on the high notes. He held them long and strong. The actor was in the final Broadway cast, playing the same character, in 2003. I was very lucky to get to see him play Jean Valjean.
I cried during On My Own, but that's no surprise. I sung that song in a choir concert when I was in junior high. That song is near and dear to my heart.
I am glad I went.
There is a review in my local paper here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am soooooo glad you had a good time and enjoyed the show.