Thursday, May 11, 2006

random loose ends

With a 7 day forecast like this,

it's a damn good thing the guy came and fixed our air conditioner today. We thought it was fixed a month or so ago, but when we turned it on last week, it wasn't blowing cold air. Anyway, its fixed now and we didn't have to pay any more (since it was supposedly "fixed" before). Hopefully the "fixing" that has taken place will lower our electric bill. Those of you who complain about high heating costs in the summer... We get the flip side of that here.
I just noticed that according to that forecast, next Wednesday is going to be the coldest day in Phoenix EVER. hehehe

I am sick. I have been congested for a few days now and have been blowing my nose raw. Today it's dropped down into my throat. I have been coughing like crazy. And I have not been sleeping well because of it. It was so hard for me to talk at work. I was lucky today was my half day, because it hurts so bad that I could not have made it thru a full day. I can function with the sickness. But it's just another crappy thing that just adds to the crappy life right now.

Chris went to the doctor yesterday. He has been in such pain since the accident that I forced him to go. If I hadn't made the appointment, he never would have gone. He has been going to work as much as he can. He still has trouble sitting for long periods of time. The doctor gave him Vicodin, but Chris seems to think that it doesn't work on him. Last night, he took 2 at around 8:30pm and he was still awake when I went to bed around 11:00pm. It should have knocked him out cold. That's why he wanted to pain meds so that he could get some sleep. The doctor also sent him for an xray to rule out anything being broken. He went for that this morning. The doctor should have the results today, hopefully. The bruises on his chest are nasty, but are getting better. Oh and get this, the lady that caused the accident hasn't even called her insurance company yet. The claim was filed on her policy by our insurance and we have been in contact with them already. But they have been trying to get in contact with her and have not been able to. They called the other day to say they haven't heard from her at all. Such crap. Chris thinks she might be trying to contest the ticket. But the witness told the police the same thing Chris said happened, so there is no way it can be disputed. And I forgot to mention this... The officer told us that she told her the same story (the true story) first and then tired to change her story. Not good. I say, if you're gonna lie, lie first. hehe. It's just frustrating because we are going to have to submit to her insurance all these medical bills and a claim for pain and suffering and lost wages and they will not be able to pay out on them until they have contact with the lady. Hopefully this won't drag on. If it does, my cousin's husband is a personal injury attorney. I don't want to go that route, but if we have to it's good to know that you have family who will help you out.

Suns lost bad last night. Boo Hiss. What was up boys? Come on!!!
Game 3 - Friday
Game 4 - Sunday
Game 5 - Tuesday
and lets all hope that it goes further than that...

My parents are out of town on a cruise. Good for them. However, my life is in shambles right now and when I hear from my mom, she just tells me how great the cruise is. She tells me how great the room is. All the cool things they are seeing. I love that they are having such a good time and that everything is great. I truly do. But its really hard to hear. They will not be back until Monday. I think them being gone is adding to my life in chaos. I am so used to talking to my mother every day, sometimes a couple of times a day. I like order and routine. Change is not good for me. I need her to come home to get my life back on track a little.

On my next paycheck, I am getting a bonus. SWEET! I was just told today that they are giving all of us that have been doing the "loan-in" thing since October (the thing that was only supposed to last 6-8 weeks that turned into 6-8 months) a bonus. Not everyone is getting the same amount, but we all are getting it. The boss said it was the least they could do and I agree. It should be more seeing as we have been doing a higher paying job at our regular salaries. But whatever. I am over it. One more month for me and I will back in my normal position. Thank God there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

Les Miserables - ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! The ticket came yesterday. I am so excited!!

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

Wednesday is zero. Neat.

I am glad you made Chris go to the doctor. That sucks about that lady and not calling her insurance.

"However, my life is in shambles right now and when I hear from my mom, she just tells me how great the cruise is." Tell me about it. Just do what I did and tell her you're not up to hearing her read from the extravagant menu right then. We both like hearing about the great time they're having, I know. They deserve it. But when we're dealing with stressful stuff, it would be much nicer to instead be on that cruise.

Congratulations on your bonus!