Sunday, July 24, 2005

weekends suck

I have been so lazy the last few weekends. I have needed to clean my bathtub for the longest and just haven't gotten around to it. I start the weekends with great intentions and then I end up doing what I did yesterday. Fell asleep on the couch while Chris was playing Grand Theft Auto (and no, not the dirty version). Then I woke up and moved to another couch and slept some more. I did two loads of laundry, one of which is still in the dryer. And other than complaining a lot about my cramps and making Chris go to the store to buy me food, that was pretty much all I did yesterday. Now on Friday, I spent all day doing nothing either, until the evening. I figured I should do something and so I started going through some boxes in the guest room. I wanted to organize the hall closet and knew that a lot of the stuff in that room needed to go in that closet. So I guess I did get something done. We ended up moving a bunch of stuff into the shed. Some of the it had been in the guest room and other junk was on the back patio. We started to move it out and then it started to rain. We decided not to make any more trips outside that night. It gets really freaking windy at my house. Living so close to the mountain, the wind really whips up and fast. We like the monsoon and I like to open the blinds and watch the storm. It was been stormy the last two nights. Last night, I went outside to see what was going on and it started to rain and it was actually chilly. I had to go inside because the wind was blowing and the rain was almost sideways. I was getting really wet and cold. I just love that I was outside and cold for the first time in months. It didn't last long though. It's been real humid, for here, though. I can deal because I know it's only temporary! :) And here I sit at work. Joyful. Maybe it's not the weekends that suck. Maybe it's me.

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