Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Big Brother 6

I feel that my commentary is necessary on the current season of Big Brother 6. I am loosing my mind watching this season. They are completely insane and getting worse by the minute. My two favorite players right now are the two nominated, Michael and Janelle. Who know that I would side with a frat boy and a blonde model? But my lord, it's out of control. I cannot believe what Eric has done to the house. He has accused Michael of sexual harassment when the girls who he supposedly did this two never said anything about it until he mentioned it. It's only sexual harassment if you are offended. Ok, that might not be true. But the girls didn't seem to have a problem with the attention. Then Eric, or Cappy as he's known, goes and makes these accusations. He keeps saying that in the real world, Michael could be charged with sexual harassment and to that I say, in the real world Eric could be charged with slander for throwing these accusations around. Eric is the biggest jerk in Big Brother history as far as I am concerned. I just cannot get over what he has done. The worst part, if that's possible, is that the rest of the house is going along with him. Or at least they are acting like they are. That's what I'm hoping is going on. You have to kiss up to the head of household to avoid nomination. I just hope that they really don't agree with him as much as they are saying. These people need to wise up or Eric will take over more than he already has. Michael called the rest of the house "sheep" and I totally agree. And poor Janelle. I really like her. I am very surprised that I do. She's the first "dumb blonde" that really isn't. That's her character, the dumb blonde. But she is neat. I liked that she plays hard and is really determined to stay, but is not joining with the rest of the house in order to do so. She knows they are all crazy. And on last nights episode, there were almost two fights. That was out of control. I wanted Eric to hit Michael so that Eric would get kicked out. I really wanted that to happen. After a talking to by Big Brother, Eric went around and apologized to everyone. What Michael said about it was completely true. It's just his way of showing people what a great guy he thinks he is. Um, great? He almost attacked Michael. What great guy does that? If I was there, I would do anything in my power to get Eric the hell out and have Ivette on his heels. Who do I hope wins? If not Janelle (because we all know Michael is getting voted out), then either Sarah or James. They are cute. She was so funny when she said that she has the hottest boyfriend.

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