Sunday, June 19, 2005

meeting people online

I had a bad experience, therefore I may have a biased opinion on this subject. But I think one of the best things in life is that we can learn from other peoples experiences. I appreciate that and really do use that as a practice in my life. So, I feel as though I should share the story for those who don't know and as a reminder to those who do.
I was one year out of high school when I met Ryan in a chatroom for fans of the Dave Matthews Band. We chatted for a little bit on the first night and then ended up talking on the phone that same night for about 3 hours. We talked again on the phone the next few days and then decided to meet. I went to his apartment (that he shared with his dad and his sister) and picked him up. We went to a see a hypnotist that was performing at my college. It was fun and we got along really well. We kept talking and he slowly became a big part of my life. He was going through a rough time in his life and he dropped out of high school not soon after we met. He said he always wanted to be a DJ and he wanted to go the school to be one. I, being the nice person I am, helped him out so much. I drove him places. I got him a job were I worked. I helped him study for and get his GED. He and I just got closer and closer. We even experienced together one of the worst things that's ever happened to me. One night he called me because he had ridden his bike to work, but it was raining and he asked for a ride home. Cool. No problem. I did things like that for him all the time. But this night ended very differently. When we got to his apartment, we got his bike out of the trunk and we were standing by the car. I was standing on the drivers side with door open and he was standing on the passenger side and we were talking. This car drove by us once and then came back around again. One of the passengers got out and pulled a gun on us. I can still picture it like it happened yesterday. Before he pulled the gun, the guy told Ryan that he wanted to buy his bike from him. Ryan told him that it wasn't for sale. The guy then pulled the gun and said that he would take it then. The guy told us not to follow him either. We just stood there in total shock. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. We went to his apartment and Ryan's dad was home. We told him what happened and he called the police. The police came and took statements from both of us. I called my parents to come and pick me up because there was no way I could drive home. The police did search the area and found the bike just up the street. I knew then that the people in that car just did that to screw with us. They saw a chance and took it. They completely altered my life forever and they probably just laughed it off and haven't thought about it since. After this happened, the relationship with Ryan and I took a strange turn. We were closer than ever after sharing this event, but I did not know how I felt. Mind you, the whole time I was "friends" with Ryan, Chris (who is my husband now) and I were together. We had been together over 3 years at this point. Chris lived across the country, though. So we were still long distance. Chris was 1500 miles away and Ryan was right here. I loved Chris with all my heart and knew we would be together forever, but Ryan was right there. He gave me the attention that I was missing. To me, Ryan and my relationship was always just friends. He knew I had a boyfriend. But something strange happened not soon after the hold up. I was at Ryan's and I was laying on his bed reading something and he started rubbing my back. This was strange, but felt good. He started to lift my shirt and I freaked. This was the first such advance that he had done. We had hugged before, but I hug all my friends. When he did this, I sat up and explained to him that he knows I have a boyfriend and that we are practically engaged. He said that he didn't know that we were that serious. I left and was all sorts of confused. Had I led him on? We talked later that night and he was so mad at me. He seemed to think that I had been leading him on the whole time. He said he didn't know if he wanted to be friends with me. I really did not want to lose him as a friend, but I knew things had to change. Then I had to make an even more difficult call. I had to call Chris and explain to him what happened. He knew I had a friend Ryan, but I don't know how much I told him about everything. Even now, I don't remember. But I told Chris what happened and I told him it was up to him about what I should do. If he wanted me not to see Ryan again, then I would not. My relationship with Chris was far too important. He never said that. He wanted me to do what I needed to do. I just wanted an excuse anyway. Our relationship was strained though. I felt very guilty for having the relationship with Ryan. He was right. I had led him on more than I should have. We were both wrong, but I bore the guilt because he thought it was all my fault. It almost destroyed my relationship with Chris. But a few months later, Chris and I became engaged, meaning that I was gonna move to Ohio. I know that after going through this, we both were like, "I don't want to be apart anymore." My relationship with Ryan became almost non-existent. When I told him I was moving, he was upset. He quickly moved on though and met another girl online. He always talked about her and it seemed like he was rubbing it in my face. Trying to make me jealous. The last time we talked was a week before my wedding. I wanted to try to make things right between us, but he wasn't having it. I regret this relationship more than anything in my whole life. I risked my relationship with Chris on a boy I met online. I had one of the most traumatic experiences of my whole life. I also hurt someone that I cared about without really meaning to and it still seems unresolved. Now I know that there are people who have much worse experiences with meeting people online. People getting killed or kidnapped and things. But this was a year and a half of my life that I regret and it all started because we met online and then in real life. When we first met, if I had only known... I know that you can't ever know what will happen in any relationship, online or otherwise. But I just feel like people tend to be more careful with people they meet in real life than with those they meet online. You know your co-workers really well and some you consider friends, but do they have your address or home phone number? Not most of them. But posting on your blog that if random strangers email you, you will give them your address to mail you things. That's just nuts. You knew this was directed at you, Bright Star - or can I refer to you by your real name now since you wrote, "Y'all can know who I am. It's really fine." You know how I feel about all this. I am so glad that all your experiences so far have been positive, but just know that it's not the smartest thing to do and I just don't understand how you think it's ok. Does that little voice in your head not tell you it might not be such a good idea? Seriously? We only say this because we love you. I'll stop now. I've told my story. I can only hope that you don't ever have one to tell.

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