Thursday, June 09, 2005


I hate that I get headaches. I had a dull headache last night and took a bunch of advil before I went to bed, but I still have the headache and now the drugs I took this morning are not working. This blows. I had big plans for today. Well, not really. But I was gonna do some stuff. Anyway.

Yesterday I decided to go to a T-Mobile store and get myself a new phone. I had such an old phone and was getting really crappy reception. So, I upgraded and I am so excited. When I got home, I downloaded a bunch of different wallpapers and ring tones. I love that my phone now rings to the oooh oooh's in Clarity (the song by my boyfriend). That's cool. I thought it would be strange to have my phone ring to Your Body is a Wonderland. That would be kinda creepy. But I am all hooked up now. I love my new phone. Plus, I get an upgraded phone plan with more minutes for the exact same money we pay now. That rocks cuz last month we went over on minutes. That gets real expensive. So we are all hooked up now.

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