Tuesday, March 29, 2005

dry skin

I am so far behind in blogging. Life finally seems to have some meaning now. I have things that need to be done.
We got the house on Good Friday, March 25th. We signed all the papers on Thursday and it took until Friday night to get the keys. The sellers were dragging their feet getting to signing and the title company too their time getting it recorded with the city. And thank god that the closing costs were not out of control. We could actually pay for it all by ourselves. We have not had to borrow money for any of this house stuff and we are really proud of ourselves.
Anyway, we finally got them and then went crazy. We went to Home Depot on Saturday and spent loads of cash. New locks, handles, blinds, etc, etc. Lots of fun. Then we spent the rest of the day starting to clean and replace the locks. Then on Sunday, I went to work, but came home early cause I could. We went to Home Depot again to rent a floor sander. Chris decided he was gonna rip the carpet out of the computer room and leave the floor concrete. So, we rented the sander and went back to the house to rip up the carpet. Then my parents came over to bring cleaning things, like the power washer and they help a lot. They helped rip up the carpet and helped us clean. That was really nice and made life a lot easier. I had been getting so overwhelmed with all that needs to be done, but having them there calmed me down a lot. We stayed at the house until I dropped. Chris took me home and then went back and stayed until like 2am - the crazy fool. We then both had yesterday off and we slept in a little then went to the house and worked some more. Chris put the sealer on the floor, since he had finished sanding it the night before. I power washed the hell out of the house. This is funny. I was cleaning the back patio walls and Chris came out to see how it was going. He was in shock at the lack of power it had. He then looked at the washer and realized that I, being the brilliant one I am, did not have the motor turned on. When he turned it on, it was awesome. That's a lot of power washing power. It took me a lot less time to do the rest of the walls. I did the walls on the back of the house, the car port and most of the front. I couldn't finish washing the front because the window in the computer room was open and the paint was drying on the floor. I then started to clean more windows. The fool that lived in our house was a terrible painter. When he painted the house he made a mess. There is paint all over all of the windows. I have been going at them with a razor blade and scraping the paint away. The difficulty with this is that there are security wrought iron bars on all the windows and they do not open. I know, I know. Fire hazard. Blah blah blah. Anyway. I have to squeeze my hands between the bars and that's a pain in the butt. So yesterday, after Chris painted himself out of the room, we went back to the apartment and vegged. We are both so worn out. I decided I needed to take a break from heavy duty cleaning tonight and just do some minor packing and stuff at the apartment. I know that if I keep up the pace that we have been doing for the last few days, I will not make it to moving day. That's 3 weeks away. I am thankful that we have all this time to get ready to move. I can take these breaks and not really fall behind on getting things done. As far as I'm concerned, there is a lot left that needs to be done so that we can move in (as far as cleaning). But if think we should be able to pull it off. It's still really overwhelming, but I am trying to relax and enjoy it. It did feel good that all the cleaning I was doing was for our benefit. Cleaning the apartment just feels like we are keeping it nice so that we can get our security deposit back. But cleaning the house is totally different. Plus, I loved watering the trees in the front yard yesterday. I was dragging around the hose to each tree - there are 6 or 7 - when I noticed something neat. There were sprinkler heads. I went back to where I had attached the hose and found the things to turn them on and THEY WORK! We have functioning sprinklers. That made my day. Why is that so cool to me? Maybe because they are MY sprinklers? But I think because it will make life a lot easier when we finally put in a yard. I know all the trouble that my father has had with sprinklers in the past, so having functioning ones is neat to me.
ok, shut up.
Damn, I can't. I just realized I never explained the title to this post.
The skin on my hands is so dry from all the cleaning supplies.
Damn, that was anticlimactic.

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