Thursday, March 03, 2005

This is totally random

but its something that has been driving me nuts for a really long time. Back in like 2000, I saw an interview with John Mayer and he was talking about this condition that he had. It has been driving me nuts ever since, because I could not remember for the life of me what it was called. And the strange thing is that now that he is much more popular, he does not talk about it. There are subtle things here and there that if you knew he had this condition you would understand. Anyway. Today I found out what it's called! His condition is called synaesthesia and its a condition where he associates one sense with another. Like sound with color. He hears sounds and associates a color with that sound. It's kinda cool. They say that a lot of musicians and really creative people have it. The reading that I have been doing on it says that it's just a genetic condition and it's not a big deal. It's not gonna kill you or anything. So, the now that you understand his condition, I feel like sharing a couple of his subtle references to it. One is that liner notes to the Heavier Things album. There are color charts all over it. Colors assigned to each state that he wrote a certain song in. The same goes for the concert t-shirts from the spring tour last year. Each state that the tour went to is a different color. And the most well know reference is the first line to the to song Bigger Than My Body. The line is: "This is a call to the color blind. This is an IOU." Get it now? I always understood the line, but I am sure there are millions who have no clue that line means. Now you do.
Damn, I wasn't supposed to write about JCM anymore. Opps. Oh well.

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