Thursday, March 24, 2005

my crazy life

I just want life to calm down and be normal. Is that too much to ask?

Today is the first day in two days that I can touch my legs without cringing. They are so pink and they still hurt, just not as bad.

Last night was our final walk thru. Final my ass. Aren't the sellers supposed to be there? Were they? No. Nobody home. Just a pile of keys on the kitchen counter. It was a fun game to figure out what key was for what door. We gotta get that place re-keyed. Each door has a different key and we never found the key for the front door. At least they repaired all the things they were supposed to from the inspection. The only thing that is still an issue is that the seller says that the evap cooler DOES work, but we have not been able to get it to work. The seller was supposed to show us how to work it, but that has not yet happened. Our agent said that he was gonna talk to the listing agent to make arrangements for the seller to show us how it works or fix it. That's really frustrating. The air conditioner works too, but the thermostat needs to be replaced. It's tricky to get it to come on. But the air works. That's what matters. We checked everything to make sure it all still works and is in good condition. They are mostly moved out. There are a few things here and there. The car and RV were still in the backyard, but as we were leaving some people came saying they were there to pick up the car. What that told me is that we FO SHOW need to change the locks on the back gate. Cuz we had locked the gate and were in the house. NEAT. We'll get on that. And they (meaning title company and agent) are saying that we should be able to close either today or tomorrow. I don't know why they want to rush it, but they are and I guess that's cool. As long as it's all done correctly, it makes no difference to me when we close. But I still do not know the final amount for our closing costs. I am praying to God that we have the funds. Especially since they are rushing this thru and we won't have a lot of notice to get the money together. That is what is driving my THE MOST crazy. I can't deal with not knowing this. I just wanna scream about it. About the whole thing.

Plus, I am still feeling freakin sick. I woke up coughing like no other last night.

I just want to go home and lay down. But I know that will not happen because we are at the beckon call of the title company. If they call and say it's a go, I have to pick Chris up and go.

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