Sunday, March 06, 2005

we all live in a yellow submarine...

That's the song in my head right now. It was on the radio on the way in to work.

Things on my mind:
- Even though I like to find out about the lives of people I used to call my friends, it really gets to me. I found out last night that one of my old friends is getting married next week. Not only that, but another one of my old friends who is in the wedding is already married. Great for them. I know I am no longer part of their lives, but I sometimes wonder why. I know I moved away and I know I am not the best person at keeping in touch. (Actually, I suck at it.) I am trying to just be happy for them. But maybe it would be better if I didn't know.

- Don't you hate it when you are waiting for something, then you get teased like it's about to happen, but it still hasn't yet? It's like enough already! Happen if you're going to. Damn.

- We went to Home Depot last night and spent like 2 hours going through the store and saying things like, "We'll need that." Random things that we don't own that we will need to now that we have a house. A weedwhacker! We need a weedwhacker. That's cool, right? A wheelbarrow. Oh, we need one of those. Plus, we were looking at paint colors and all sorts of good stuff. We had to price new door locks. We have 6 doors that need new locks. Great. We are gonna be poor for a long time. All the extra money we have will have to be spent on house crap. That's cool though, I suppose.

To bring you up to date on the house:
- Friday was the termite inspection and it passed.
- We had submitted the request to the seller to repair certain items from the inspection report. We got a list back of the things that they will repair and the things that they won't are not a big deal. So, that worked out well. I was concerned that they wouldn't fix anything. And the biggest thing to me is that they are going to get the chimney cleaned. Thank god. Who knows how much that would have cost us!
- We are still waiting for the appraisal. Chris talked to the loan officer Monday of last week and she said that we should know by the end of this past week or Monday (tomorrow). I feel like it's all still up in the air until we find out about the appraisal.
- We have to have the funds to cover closing in the checking account by like the end of next week. I am pretty sure that will work out. I know that we have the money by the time we have to write the check, but having proof of it a few weeks ahead of time might be tough.

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